[TODO/Bugs List]
TODO/Bugs List
Bug for priority:
- For the moment, the last visited entry is present but unused/unsupported by the application.
- Two useres can edit the same bookmarks. Can arise race condition, even for the save option!
- For the moment the parser is very stupid. If you have the title with spaces and you use space as separator, you got a disaster. Same if you try to use the special double '' character in the entry.
- The form acquisition is strong but not strogest as possible.
- On fly bookmarks sorting is impossible. The bookmarks are sorted before storing, so you got a sorted structure if you need it.
- Keyword search is very strict: if you search new you will not get the bookmarks with the keyowrd "news"
- You cannot delete bookmarks for the moment (easy to add, if userful)
- If the server is not stopped properly, it is a disaster. You can save all the bookmarks at every edit, if needed. Required: a auto-save every x minutes.
- Netscape importer is too simple and error prone.
Features to add:
- Pervasive Search Engine (actually search only on keywords!).
- Search on entire bookmark (name url and so on).
- Secure locking of bookmarks while a user is editing it. It is difficult to have a time-limited locking!
- On fly sorting: actually cannot work because resorting destroy the editing-confirm-cycle (In pratica, mi trovo a confermare un bookmark diverso rispetto a quello che stavo editando).
- Explorer Import Engine
- Per user-private bookmarks (but I want a public archive!)
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